Event date
Piatra Neamț

On June 18th 2021, the first Round Table of Edurights4girls - Equal access to education project took place in Piatra Neamt, a project implemented through Active Citizens Fund Romania programme, funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through EEA Grants 2014-2021.

The meeting was attended by the project team of GO-AHEAD Association, Neamț County School Inspectorate and Suceava School Association for Education and Development. We were joined by representatives of the educational establishments associated with the project from Neamț and Suceava counties, public administration and local NGOs from Neamț county in the field of human rights.

The round table was moderated by Apostol Alexandru Cosmin, sociologist of GO-AHEAD Association and Cătălina Grigoraș-Popa, research assistant of Neamț County School Inspectorate. They presented the study on the current situation regarding gender rights and equality, the issue of gender discrimination in Neamț County, which was followed by a series of open discussions aimed at the implementation of the action plan on the implementation of policies and legislation on human rights and gender equality. 

The meeting took place both physically in the conference room of the County School Inspectorate, and on the ZOOM platform.

Edurights4girls - Equal access to education project is implemented by GO-AHEAD Association in partnership with the Neamț County School Inspectorate and ASSED - Suceava School Association for Education and Development with the financial support of Active Citizens Fund - Romania, a programme funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through EEA Grants 2014-2021. 

The total value of the project is 248.853,72 Euro, and the overall objective of the project aims to increase the capacity on the level of awareness and application of human rights, especially those related to gender issues and access / right to education through specific measures of personal development, counselling, therapy that benefit at least 480 female students and 210 staff teachers, as well as extensive awareness, monitoring, advocacy actions that benefit over 2000 people - students, parents, teachers, actors from the communities concerned.