EDURIGHTS4GIRLS - Equal access to education, project developed with the financial support of Active Citizens Fund Romania, program funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014-2021.
Project implemented by: GO-AHEAD Association
Partner 1: Neamț County School Inspectorate
Partner 2: Suceava School Association for Education and Development
The EDURIGHTS4GIRLS - Equal access to education project, aims a change of perspective in the educational field, through personal development programs for girls from disadvantaged backgrounds in Neamț and Suceava counties, who study mainly in professionals / technological high schools. The project brings a change with a medium-term impact in order to increase self-esteem and combat the gender stereotypes, forthose who complete school, and in the long term improving these issues in Romanian society.
The EDURIGHTS4GIRLS - Equal access to education project, is necessary because it aims to change mentalities in educational institutions regarding the life options of young people found in vulnerable situations, thus contributing to breaking the vicious circle of social exclusion and marginalization, by fighting discrimination and gender stereotypes, including those related to motherhood and family care at a very young age.
The GENERAL OBJECTIVE of the project is to increase the capacity of the level of awareness and application of human rights, especially those related to gender issues and access/right to education through specific measures of personal development ans counseling therapy for at least 480 students from 14 educational units in Neamț and Suceava and 210 teachers, as well as extensive awareness, monitoring, advocacy actions for over 2000 people - students, parents, teachers, actors from the concerned communities.
- SO1: Improving the institutional capacity of 14 educational units in Suceava and Neamț counties for the implementation and monitoring of national and international policies/ recommendations/ strategies on gender equality and gender-based violence and the right to education for girls through research, monitoring, watchdog and awareness carried out over a period of 2 years.
- SO2: Increasing the level of information, awareness, specific education on human rights and combating gender discrimination of over 2600 people in Neamț and Suceava counties: 3300 hours of personal development and counseling therapy for 480 students from vulnerable groups and mainly from rural areas, 336 hours of personal development and therapy for 201 teachers, campaigns and events for 2000 people (parents, teachers, students, community members).
- SO3: Development of the Promoter's capacity and Partner 2 through organizational consulting, professional courses dedicated to employees in the fields of leadership, foundrasing, promotion, coaching and by organizing annual media campaigns, online, to communicate results to the beneficiary and fundraising.
- 480 girls (15-19 years old) from upper secondary education from 14 professional schools/ technological high schools from Neamț and Suceava counties;
- 210 teachers (with priority for class masters teachers) from 14 professional schools/ technological high schools in Neamț and Suceava counties;
- 2000 students, teachers, parents, principals, members of the local community (of which at least 220 boys, 50 parents) from the 14 educational units/ associated communities from Neamț and Suceava counties;
- Representatives of NGOs and local authorities - Minimum 10 representatives of local NGOs from Suceava and Neamț and minimum 10 representatives of local authorities.
- General public at local level (Neamț and Suceava counties) - Minimum 500 people
- General public at national level (who have access to online communication channels and social media): Minimum 2000 people
IMPLEMENTATION DURATION: 01.03.2021 - 28.02.2023 (24 months)
GRANT TOTAL VALUE: 223.966,48 Euro