On 20th October 2022 (Thursday) starting from 8.30 will take place the second Awareness Event within EDURIGHTS4GIRLS – Equal access to education project at the Mandachi Hotel & Spa (King Hall) in Suceava.
The event is organized together with Suceava School Association for Education and Development and are invited to attend representatives of project partners, school principals and counselors of the 7 high schools involved in the project from Suceava County, students, parents, representatives of public institutions and local non-governmental organizations, media partners.
The event will be opened by Alexandra Bălșeanu, president of the GO-AHEAD Association, Dana Jigman, Project Manager, Maria Teodoreanu, ASSED President and moderated by the journalist Mădălina Samoilă.
Our 6 main speakers will talk about motivation, courage and determination:
- Alina Donici, Managing Partner, Artesana
- Elisabeta Moraru, Country Manager, Google Romania
- Tedy Necula, Movie Director and Motivational Speaker
- Dalisa Strugariu, Technical Responsible, Active Citizens Fund Romania
- Adrian Păduraru, Actor
- Daniel Barbu, Senior Security Manager, Adobe Romania
During the event there will also be an open session of discussions about the current challenges of high school students as well as the award ceremony related to the contest within the campaign #CurajulNUareGen, organized in 7 high schools in Suceava County.
The conclusions and the closing message will belong to the Fundraising Director of the GO-AHEAD Association, Adeline Duca.
Project implemented by the GO-AHEAD Association in partnership with Neamț County School Inspectorate and Suceava School Association for Education and Development with the financial support of the Active Citizens Fund Romania, programme funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014-2021. The aim of the project is to increase the capacity of the level of awareness and enforcement of human rights, especially those related to gender issues and access/ right to education through specific measures of personal development, counseling, therapy that benefit at least 480 female students and 210 teachers from 15 educational units in Neamț and Suceava counties, as well as extensive awareness, monitoring, advocacy actions that benefit over 2000 people - students, parents, teachers, members of the targeted communities.
About Active Citizens Fund Romania
The Active Citizens Fund Romania programme is funded through the EEA Grants 2014-2021. The overall objective of the Grants is to reduce economic and social disparities, and to strengthen bilateral relations between 15 beneficiary countries and the Donor States (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway). The programme is administered by a consortium composed of Civil Society Development Foundation, Romanian Environmental Partnership Foundation, Resource Center for Roma Communities, PACT Foundation and Frivillighet Norge, acting as Fund Operator designated by FMO – Financial Mechanism Office of the EEA and Norway Grants. The objectives of the Active Citizens Fund Romania are to strengthen civil society and active citizenship and to empower vulnerable groups. With a total allocation of 46,000,000 euro, the programme pursues a long-term development of the civil society sector sustainability and capacity, stepping up its role in promoting democratic participation, active citizenship and human rights, while strengthening bilateral relations with organizations from the Donor States, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway. For more information about the Active Citizens Fund in Romania, please go to www.activecitizensfund.ro. For more information about the EEA and Norway Grants, go to www.eeagrants.org.